News & Press Releases
IT Insight: Customize IT to better serve your community
Municipalities and Local Government Agencies are increasingly relying on digital technology to keep day-to-day operations and processes running smoothly. It’s crucial that IT systems and infrastructure are updated, monitored, and […]
IT Insight: Make time for a network refresh
Staying competitive in today’s business world requires forward thinking and planning. As your business grows, so must your network. To stay competitive and safe, to minimize your security risks, you […]
IT Insight: Beware of mobile ransomware
Ransomware is one of the fastest growing cybercrimes in history. Did you know that mobile infections of ransomware have quadrupled in the last year? Cybercriminals use mobile malware to access […]
IT Insight: NH Tech Alliance-Uniting Tech Professionals
Founded in 1983 as the New Hampshire High Tech Council, the NH Tech Alliance is 300-plus members strong, representing more than 60,000 workers. The NH Tech Alliance is a statewide […]
IT Insight: Cybersecurity vulnerabilities and your business
Every organization faces Cyber Security risks and vulnerabilities daily – many completely invisible until you receive a ransom demand or learn that your data is for sale on the dark […]
IT Insight: Protect your data with multi-factor authentication
According to recent data from Forbes, cybercrime has increased 300% since 2018 with over 15 billion breaches of stolen credentials. If thieves steal your data, your credit and bank accounts, […]
IT Insight: Your employees – an impenetrable frontline against Cybercrime
Most cyber security incidents are caused by, or enabled by, human error, and organizations are losing millions to scammers who are targeting your untrained and uninformed employees. As cyber threats […]
IT Insight: Streamline operations with cloud computing
Technology and connectivity available to us in today’s digital workplace is largely a reflection of our traditional one. Companies are learning to adapt to new, remote environments to ensure employees […]
IT Insight: MDR-Managed Detection and Response
Growing threats to your personal and professional data are mounting worldwide. Cybersecurity threats must be monitored and responded to in real time as hackers work just as hard to develop […]
IT Insight: The benefits of 24X7 support
“Working 9 to 5” … when was the last time any of us worked those hours? Remote workforce technology has changed that forever. With the ability for employees to collaborate at […]