

Upcoming Events

PCGiT participates in and sponsors several local and regional events. Please register below or contact us for more information.

disaster recovery as a service

WEBINAR: Critical Company Data & Uptime Recovery Options You Need to Know About

Join us on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025 at 11:00 am for this informative webinar, where our CEO Dave Hodgdon and Disaster Recovery  (DR) specialist Sean Crawley will show you the real value of DR and its importance for business continuity planning. You’ll discover how DR helps businesses protect critical data and systems from both natural disasters and human error.

Topics covered will include: DR benefits, defining a business continuity plan, protecting M365, and best practices. Attendees will see how real businesses successfully use DR to recover from disasters, and the session will conclude with a DEMO and interactive Q&A.




November 19 – Microsoft Teams+ VoIP webinar

During this informative webinar, Dave Hodgdon and a Microsoft Teams+ VoIP specialist discussed the real value of Microsoft Teams+ VoIP and how the Teams+ platform delivers productivity & value in one platform, including VoIP trends & resulting business opportunities; how to accommodating workplace shifts; how Teams+ VoIP equates to better collaboration, analytics, and value; and what your business can do to plan a successful migration.


October 4 – 22nd Annual Advanced Manufacturing & High Technology Summit

NH manufacturing and high technology summit

The Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit was held at the Castleton Banquet & Conference Center in Windham, NH. Organized by the NH Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), the event is always a big hit showcasing the industry’s latest advancements, technologies and trends. PCG was a proud sponsor of the 2024 summit where participants learned about the solutions, insights, and best practices transforming the world of manufacturing.


September 25 – 2024 Cybersecurity Summit

PCGiT was a sponsor of the inaugural cybersecurity summit hosted by the NH SBDC and NHTA on at the Rex Theater in Manchester, NH. It was an excellent conference geared toward both small businesses just beginning address and protect themselves against cyberattacks, along with those that are already implementing cyber initiatives and seeking deeper, more technical insights.

September 10 – SHRA meeting sponsorship

PCGiT was a sponsor of the Seacoast Human Resources Association’s monthly meeting focused on “Effective Performance Management.” Panel speakers discussed the importance of growing and managing talent in an organization and how it acts as a sound legal defense when performance issues arise, reviewing both legal and organizational development perspectives.

June 27 – Client Appreciation event
Kenny Brothers Band - NH music

We appreciate our customers and celebrated them at our Client Appreciation Summer Kick-off. Festivities included raffles, barbecue, networking, and live local music from the Kenny Brothers Band.

June 19 – Get ‘Intelligent’ with AI webinar

This webinar did a deep dive into artificial intelligence, its impact on SMBs, and it is used in everyday life. CEO Dave Hodgdon reviewed how Copilot enhances productivity, streamlines tasks, and summarizes your data so  you can glean insights from it.

June 3 – Microsoft 365 Premium: Do More with Less webinar
During this webinar, PCG experts explored M365 Premium’s differentiated customer value; how it delivers real-time collaboration & security; use case scenarios illustrating how M365 saves you time & money; and real-world ways to improve productivity.

May 23 – Get Copilot Ready! webinar
As a Microsoft Gold Partner, our series of educational SMB webinars focus on how companies can do the most with Microsoft 365. This first webinar reviewed how companies can capitalize on and leverage artificial intelligence (AI) with Microsoft Copilot. To learn more about how PCGiT manages Microsoft 365 licenses or to get pricing on Copilot for M365, contact our sales team.



May 24/June 8
Webinar: Protecting your Business from a Phishing or Ransomware Attacks
Join PCG and our Security Panel to review the current Cybersecurity landscape and what your company can do to help protect your data, keep your network running, and protect your company’s reputation. From your Servers, Data, Infrastructure to PCs, and users, our panel will discuss the current trends and how these “Bad actors” are working to get to your data, and the steps you can take to help mitigate this risk. The goal is to have a plan in place should anything happens and make sure you have the right services to deploy for your company/industry to protect your business data and reputation.


December 8
Webinar: 5 Key Tips for Disaster Recovery Planning
Join PCG and Acronis, world leader in backup and disaster recovery services, as we discuss what key features your business Disaster Recovery Plan should include. From your Servers, Desktops, Cloud, 365 platform (email, Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive); Failover with your ISP and firewall; to the management of your data, you will learn how to manage your Recovery Time Objective should you have a true disaster/breach to recover from.

May 25
Transform the way you do business in the Cloud with Microsoft Azure
Learn about some of the top benefits to moving to the Cloud so you and your business will have peace of mind to focus on your core business. Please join us for a Technology Workshop to discuss what your business should know about the Cloud and how to plan for this migration.


October 14, 2021
Cyber Security/Cyber Insurance and Compliance
With an alarming uptick in data breaches and ransomware this past year, an increasing number of businesses have opted to add Cyber Risk Insurance to protect themselves from catastrophic loss. But as the threat landscape continues to expand, many insurance companies are restricting payouts by creating more claim exceptions and exclusions. This leaves many policy-holders vulnerable to holding the short end of the stick when the insurer looks to disqualify a claim. Join PCG for a Breakfast Technology Workshop to discuss Cyber Security and Cyber Insurance Assessments for your Company.

January 14, 2021
Risk Assessment/Compliance
If your business wants to minimize its risk, stay competitive by meeting the Compliance regulations for your industry, then join PCG and learn more about the benefits of a Risk Assessment and the values of an External Vulnerability Scan to improve on your Security posture.

October 15, 2020
Remote Workforce
Join PCG and learn about what your Remote Workforce needs to think about and minimize your company’s risks

October 22, 2019
Cyber Security – Ransomware “Cryptolocker” and Phishing attacks
Join PCG and learn about what Ransomware/Cryptolocker is and how your company can minimize these threats that can shut down your business for good.

October 17, 2018
Security 201
Join us and learn about Phishing email attacks, Dark Web “Password Compromises” Documentation and more
Cyber crime (PDF) | What is Phishing? (PDF) | Managing Risks Through Layers (PDF)

November 14, 2017
Business Continuity Breakfast Technology Workshop
There are plenty of buzzwords on how to handle your backup services. It’s critical that you understand how they will affect your business.

July 12, 2017
Security 101
Securing your business from cyber threats is now more important than ever.

November 10, 2016
PCG Breakfast Technology Workshop
Star2Star – Revolutionizing the Way Companies Communicate.

May 24th, 2016
PCG Technology Workshop
Microsoft will be presenting 4 sessions. Door Prizes.

March 26, 2015
The Future of VoIP/Cloud Solutions
Come see how your business can benefit from a scalable VoIP solution.

April 2-4, 2014
The Future of Productivity is NOW: WINDOWS 8!
Register now to test drive Microsofts newest Products
MEC puts you in the Drivers Seat for a Rich Interactive Experience.