
How to Fix the Windows 11 File Explorer Glitch in Version 24H2

Windows 11 Fix for the File explorer glitch

Windows 11 Fix for the File explorer glitch

Are You Experiencing File Explorer Issues After Updating to Windows 11 Version 24H2?

If you’ve updated your system to the latest Windows 11 version 24H2, you might have noticed a rather frustrating glitch in File Explorer, the tool we all rely on for navigating our files and folders. Don’t worry – you’re not alone, and there’s a fix!

In this article, we’ll explain the problem, share a quick workaround, and provide tips on how to avoid disruptions to your productivity.

What’s the Problem?

The issue lies in the “See more” menu—those three little dots in File Explorer that give you options like “Select All” or “View Properties.” Normally, this menu appears conveniently below your mouse cursor when clicked.

However, after installing version 24H2 of Windows 11, many users are finding that the menu:

  • Jumps to the top of the screen, often out of sight
  • Disappears entirely in full-screen mode, making it difficult to access critical options

Why Is This Happening?

This glitch is the result of a bug introduced in the latest Windows update. While Microsoft is aware of the issue and is working on a fix, the problem can be quite disruptive, especially for those using File Explorer in full-screen mode to manage large numbers of files.

Quick Fix: Workaround for the File Explorer Glitch

While we wait for an official fix from Microsoft, there’s a simple workaround you can use to restore functionality:

  1. Switch to Windowed Mode:
    • Click the square icon in the top-right corner of File Explorer (next to the “X” used to close it)
    • This will exit full-screen mode and allow File Explorer to share the screen with other applications
  2. Resize the Window:
    • Adjust the File Explorer window size manually
    • This will bring the “See more” menu back within view, allowing you to access your options again
  3. Avoid Full-Screen Mode for Now:
    • Until the glitch is fixed, keep File Explorer in windowed mode to avoid losing access to menu options

How to Stay Productive During Glitches

Little bugs like this one can disrupt your workflow, especially in business environments where time and efficiency matter. To minimize the impact of such issues:

  • Stay Updated: Follow updates from Microsoft to know when the fix is available
  • Backup Your System: Before installing updates, create a system restore point to roll back in case of major issues
  • Optimize Your IT Tools: Consult with IT professionals to ensure your systems are running smoothly and efficiently

How PCGit Can Help

Glitches like the Windows 11 File Explorer issue in version 24H2 are annoying, but they’re usually short-lived. While Microsoft works on a permanent fix, the workaround provided above can help you stay productive. PCG understands how small technical glitches can have a big impact on your productivity. That’s why we specialize in providing:

  • Proactive IT Solutions: Ensuring your business tools work seamlessly
  • Microsoft Support: Expert help to resolve issues with Windows and other Microsoft applications
  • Productivity Optimization: Tailored strategies to make the most of your IT investments

Don’t let a small bug slow you down. Reach out to us for expert advice and support for Microsoft tools or IT systems.