
IT Insight: Nominations for TechWomen of the Year awards

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The NH Tech Alliance recently announced the opening of nominations for the 8th Annual TechWomen of the Year Awards, celebrating technology-focused women who drive innovation and influence technology at companies and schools.

The TechWomen Awards will honor three exceptional women in the technology industry – Tech Student of the Year, Tech Educator of the Year, and Tech Professional of the Year – for their achievements and contributions within their field in 2022.

Nominees should have demonstrated a commitment to supporting STEM/Technology education and advancing the role of women and girls in technology. Self-nominations are also welcome.

“The TechWomen Awards are an important way for us to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women in technology,” said Julie Demers, Executive Director of the NH Tech Alliance. “These awards shine a light on the impact that these women are having on our state and inspire the next generation of female tech leaders.”

The TechWomen Award winners will be honored this spring at the TechWomen Connect and Awards, previously known as the TechWomen Awards Luncheon. The awards reception will be a must-attend for women in technology, featuring fun and interactive activities, delicious food and drinks and networking opportunities. Attendees will learn about the incredible work being done by the three award winners.

Nominations for the TechWomen of the Year Awards will close on March 5. To nominate someone or yourself, visit

Also on the horizon for the Alliance community is the Tech Power Breakfast, formerly known as the TechWomen Power Breakfast. This series will continue to feature female tech professionals and supporters as speakers but is now open to all tech professionals regardless of gender identity. These events provide inspiration and education for tech professionals and are an opportunity to make valuable connections for all.

The NH Tech Alliance is a nonprofit industry organization dedicated to all things tech in New Hampshire. NHTA connects tech companies and workers with business resources, event programming and access to a tight-knit network of influential decision-makers to continue building New Hampshire’s future through tech. The NHTA network includes 250-plus member companies, 50,000 employees from established brands and growing startups, and a sprawling group of investors, policymakers and other tech stakeholders.

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JoAnn Hodgdon is vice president and co-founder of Portsmouth Computer Group (PCGiT) with her husband David. PCG provides comprehensive managed IT services, business continuity, security, cloud computing and Virtual CIO services to their clients.  You may reach her at or at