
UNH Entrepreneurship Center – Ideas & Innovation

Innovation in action…


PCGiT is fortunate to have the University of New Hampshire in our backyard. We’re also lucky to be a member of NH Tech Alliance, a powerhouse organization that is leading the charge of putting – and keeping – technology front of mind in the Granite State!

This week’s IT Insight is promoting NHTA’s Tech Power Breakfast on April 17 from 8:00-9:30 am at the UNH Peter T. Paul Entrepreneurship Center.

At this event Marian G. McCord, UNH Senior Vice Provost for Research, Economic Engagement, and Outreach will present some of the university’s current innovations, the next generation of students driving these advances forward, and tech leaders who are inspiring them.

For Marian’s full bio and for more info, read the full Seacoast Online article here.




To read the full IT Insight article, visit Seacoast Online.


pcgit joann hodgdonJoAnn Hodgdon is vice president and co-founder of Portsmouth Computer Group (PCGiT) with her husband David.

PCG provides comprehensive managed IT services, business continuity, security, cloud computing and Virtual CIO services to their clients.

Reach out to her at with comments or story ideas.